24 fotogrammi in 4 parole

Altro contributo per l’absentminded club
settembre 17, 2009, 4:31 PM
Filed under: anima | Tag: , ,

Gatadaplar contribuisce qui ad allargare la conscenza del grande mondo del “sovrappensiero”.

Grazie Gata. Membro onorario :-)

3 commenti so far
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Devo linkarlo anche io :D

Commento di Baol

Grazie a te e a Baol per l’idea geniale!!! ^___^
Un bacione!

Commento di Gatadaplar


I am writing to you here, because this is the only contact info I can find on you.
It appears that you have registered the twitter.com account named “24frames”, but it also appears that you haven’t used it since April 4, 2007.
I am writing you in the hopes that you will turn over the account to me, as the name of the account is the same as a project I am about to launch.
Anyway, I am looking forward to hearing from you, and I hope that you will grant me my small request.

Thomas Mertz

Commento di Thomas

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